Private Tuition Benefits

Private tuition is requested by parents and students for a variety of reasons such as:

Experiencing difficulty with subject material

Sometimes students have difficulty understanding the subject material at school and quite often the parents also experienced difficulty when they were at school. This is particularly common with high school maths and some parents unknowingly reinforce and pass on that it is socially acceptable to not do well at maths. Private tuition can help not only with maths but many other subjects and break down this social acceptance to ensure the student actually understands the content.

Wanting to learn beyond what is taught at school

Students of all ages may be handling the subject content well however they may wish to learn more without being held back by other students or the teacher's lesson plans. Private tuition can assist with this as plans can be established to provide some structure for the student to learn what they want at their pace.

Ensuring homework is completed

This is particularly an issue during primary school when parents are unable to get their children to do their homework. Helping with homework can be daunting particularly when the child is uncooperative, doesn't understand what they need to do or has learning difficulties. Private tuition can assist by ensuring the weekly homework is not only completed but is completed by the student after they understand what they need to do.

Instilling confidence

Students of all ages can lose confidence in their abilities which can hamper the learning of new concepts or remembering existing concepts. Tutoring can help students start to build their confidence as they know all of their questions will be answered and feel at ease working at their own pace.

Providing academic and career guidance

This is particularly an issue during the later stages of high school where students are required to select subjects or university courses. Private tuition can help students find their way through the myriad of subjects and courses to ensure they are studying the area they are interested in. Guidance can also be offered to parents who want to help their children in between tuition sessions but don't know where to start.

What these are all valid reasons, it must be recognised a tutor is not a babysitter and will not do the work on behalf of the student. The tutor is only available for a limited time so if you and/or your child are not willing to commit the time or the effort, any extra tuition will not help.

For more on the benefits of tutoring, please visit